Most of you are making lot of good power points and articles as a part of your study/project/teaching. Here is a golden opportunity to share that with world.
Our aim is to provide free service to academics, researchers, and students working in the area of homeopathic & allied medical sciences. We have open collaboration with other organisations and institutions world wide. It would help providing the authors the maximum exposure as well as easy and free access to the users.
It is international in scope and includes both published and unpublished documents having relevance to medicine, homoeopathy & allied medical disciplines.
For reprinted/reproduced articles & powerpoints the necessary copy write permission should be secured by the authors themselves from the previous publishers if necessary.
Case studies & Research articles should be supported with adequate diagnostic evidences. In the electronic form the text should be in 'MS word' format and the pictures/photos should be in 'tiff'/JPG format.
To ensure the highest editorial standards, Similima team may from time to time request information from persons submitting material, and reserves the right to reject any submitted material. Try your best efforts to provide articles that contain up-to-date, relevant accurate information. Please include a passport size photograph as well as a short biographical sketch of the author along with the article.
Abstract : Should be brief and reflects the significance, scope and relevance of the topic and should highlights the principal findings or conclusions
Key words : A set of suitable keywords should be provided on significance of text.
Introduction : A brief introduction that link the subject with readers which should be brief and state precisely the scope of the paper or topic.
References / Bibliography : It has to be written in a particular format, alphabetical order of the author’s last name who have been referred, followed by the publication, publisher and edition etc. Internet reference should be stated along with complete URL address and the date, and time of surfing for referencing. Journals have to be referred with authors last name in alphabetical order, article referred, journal name and volume details.
Abbreviations : Please use internationally accepted standard abbreviations only.
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Send your articles and power points to
Dr.K.R.Mansoor Ali
Director & Chief Editor :
Lecturer, Govt. Homeopathic Medical College. Trivandrum.Kerla
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