Microbiology & Parasitology
Mycology -Questions and answers
56.Parasitology - Questions and Answers
57.Microbiology & parasitology - Questions and answers
58.Virology - Questions and answers
59.Immunology - Questions and Answers
1.Infection - types and methods
2.Life on earth - Mycology
4.The fascinating world of microbes
5.Introduction to parasitology
6.Differenet types of immunity
7.Streptococcacea family
8.Mycoses -types and treatment
9.Diffrent types of antigen
10.Subcutaneous mycosis
12.Serological tests in Medical Practice
13.Deep mycosis - cutaneous
14.Compliment in health & disease
16.Opportunistic mycosis
17.Opportunistic mycosis - Part.11
19.Structure and functions of immune system
24.Transplantation immunity & Major Histocompatibility complex
25.Cancer and immune system
26.Vibrio Cholera
27.Campylobacter and Helicobacter - Dr.Anitha.P.M
28.Immuno haematology
29.Endemic mycosis
30.Clostridium - General features
31.Cellular immune response
32.Non sporing anaerobs
38.Haemophilus borddtella
39.Zoonosis - disease and primary animal reserviors
41.Mycobacterium - Part.11
42.Mycobacterium Leprae
43.Syphillis - Spirochetes
44.Non veneral Treponematosis
46.M. pneumoniae,M.hominis,Ureaplasma urealyticum
50.Auto Immunity
51.Morphology & Physiology of bacteria
52.Sterilisation techniques
53.Disinfection techniques
54.General Bacteriology - Dr.Lathi Nair
61.Mechanism of allergic immunity
62.Anti microbial agents, antibiotic sensitivity tests
63.Antibiotics - method of action
64.Antigen - definition and differences
65.Arboviruses - Part.1
66.Arbovisruses -Part.II
67.Bacteriophage - Dr.M.Nizamuddin
69.Blood and tissue protozoa of man
70.Blood Volume
71.Cell culture - Methods and techniques
72.Cell pathology
73.Cells of the immune system
76.Culture media and culture methods
78.Enterococcus - Dr.Anu P Jihn
79.Bacterial genetics - Part.1
80.Bacterial genetics - Part.II
82.Hepatitis viruses - taxonomically unrelated viruses
83.Hepatitis B viruses
84.Hepatitis C viruses
85.Herpes Viridae
86.Herpes Viruses
88.Infections and micro organisms
89.Introduction to virology
90.Laboratory diagnosis of parasitic infections
91.Microarray or genomic chip
92.Miscellaneous viruses
93.Molecular methods for microbial identification & their clinical applications - Dr. Vijayakumar S
94.Morphology and physiology of bacteria - Dr.Anitha.P.M
95.Mycoplasma - Dr.Anitha.P.M
97.Oncogenic viruses
98.Overview of molecular methods
100.Molecular diagnostic techniques in microbiology
101.Picorna Viruses
102.Streptococcus pneumonia
104.Rabies Virus
105.Replication of virus
106.Pox viruses
107.Judicious use of a microbiology laboratory - Dr.Lathi Nair
108.Miscellaneous sporozoa
109.Controll of microbial growth - sterilisation & disinfection
111.Streptococci - Dr.Alvin Fox
112.Tissue Nematodes
113.Toxoplasma gondi - toxoplasmosis
114.Trematodes - flukes
115.Typhus fever - Dr.anu P John
116.Virus host Interactions
Practice of Medicine
268.Acute Ottitis media - Dr.Jitendra Patel
269.Management of Dysphagia - Dr.Divya V K P
270.Viral Enchephalitis - Dr.Irene Jose.M
271.Endocrine functions of Kidney and Heart
272.Hagar and Medicine
273.Renal failure - Dr.D.Venmani
274.Disorders of Kidney. Dr.Shalini G Unnithan
275.Malaria and Homeopathy - Dr.Shamna.B.N
276.Melidosis in calicut - tip of an iceberg
277.Migraine and Homeopathy - Dr.Aisha
278.Monsoon diseases - Dr.Anitha.P.M
279.The Metabolic Syndrome in Patients Treated with Atypical Neuroleptcs - Dr.Walid sarhan
280.Urinary tract Infection - effective mangement- Dr.Divya sanal
ENT - Ear Nose & Throat
1.Acute Ottitis media - Dr.Jitendra Patel
2.Acute Bacterial Ottitis externa - Dr.Jitendra Patel
3.Diseases of auricle - Dr.Jitendra Patel
4.Foreign body in ear - Dr.Jitendra Patel
5.Otomycosis - Dr.Jitendra Patel
6.Wax in ear - Dr.Jitendra Patel
Homeopathy General
227.Why our science took 200 years to reach to present understanding?
228.Dreams and the Interpretations - Dr.S.M.D'souza
229.Monsoon disorders and effective homeopathic management -1 - Dr.Divya sanal.K
229a..Monsoon disorders and effective homeopathic management -II - Dr.Divya sanal.K
67.Relevance of chapter 'Ankle' in Murphy's repertory - Dr.Shamna
68.Relevance of chapter 'Arm' in Murphy's repertory - Dr.Resmi
69.Terminologies in Boerick's repertory - Dr.Resmi
70. Methodology of case taking by C.m.Boger - Dr.Preethi A John
71.Methodology of case taking by Dr.dunham - Dr.Sreekala.M
72.Complete Repertory to the eye - Dr.Basavarajeshwari
73.Mind chapter in Synthesis repertory - Dr.Arun Krishnan
63.Aorta - Dr.Shalini G Unnithan
64.Basal Ganglia - Dr.Aruna Parvathy
65.Cerebellum - Dr.Bharath Praveen
66.Circle of Willis - Dr.shamna
67.Duodenum -Dr.Asha V Sasi
68.Anatomy of Eye - Dr.Shalini G Unnithan
69.Renal system - Dr.Bharath Praveen
70.Applied anatomy of ovary - Dr.Soumya.U.S
71.Prolpase of utereus - Dr.Aisha
72.Thymus - Dr.Aruna Parvathy
73.Ventricles of brain - Dr.Sharika.R
137.Are you really happy
138.Photo Journalism
139.Humour in life and its benefits - Dr.Asokkumar Dantkale
140.Personality development notes
Materia Medica
141.A comprehensive study of Baryta group - Dr.Resmi
142.Magnesia Phosphorica in malarial fevers - Dr.Sebabrata Roy
143.solanacea - Dr.Aisha J Hassan
Book reviews
15.Bell's Diarrhoea - Dr.Aisha
16.Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory - Dr.Sreeraj.R
17.Homeopathic Medical Repertory by Dr.Robin Murphy
18.Repertory of symptoms of fever - Dr.Resmi.R
19.Minton's Uterus - Dr.Preethi A John
20.Sensation as if - a repertory of subjective symptoms - Dr.Aisha
25.Bile and its clinical application - Dr.Soumya.U.S
26.Visual pathways - Dr.Shalini G Unnithan
27.Gastrointestinl system - Dr.Asha V Sasi
28.Renal System - Dr.Divya
29.Acid base balance and Fluid balance - Dr.Pramod Nair
30.Micturition - appplied physiology - Dr.Pramod Nair
31.Glomerulonephritis - Dr.Shalini G Unnithan
32.Pineal gland and Melatonin
33.Lungs - essential organs of respiration - Dr.Divya.V.K.T
34.Pancreas - Dr.Asha V sasi
35.Sense of smell
36.Spinal cord and nerves - Dr.Sharika.K.U
121.HIV current diagnostic approach - Dr.Sarada Devi.K.L
122.HIV and AIDS
123.HIV and lab diagnosis
124.HIV testing - Strategies and Methods
125.Human immuno Deficiency Virus
137Haemostasis, coagulation and platelets - Dr.Sharika
138.Cell Pathology - Dr. Mahendra gaushal
24.Orthopedics - Pathology and X-ray for medical students
25.Urology X-rays
94.Remedy reaction
17.Therapeutics of fever - Dr.Aisha J Hassan
16.Urinary tract infection - homeopathic therapeutics - Dr.Divya Sanal
Community Medicine
35Waste mangement
105.An Introduction to Bio Medical Instrumentation Science - Prof. Mahendra H. Gaushal
106.Studies on biomedical instrumental parameteres in homeopathy - Mahendra H. Gaushal
Please mail events, CMEs, jobs or any news related to homeopathy to : similimateam@gmail.com
With Best Wishes
Dr.K.R.Mansoor Ali MD(Hom)
Director & Chief Editor. wwww.similima.com
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