Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Guidelines for submitting materials to www.similima.com

Most of you are making lot of good power points and articles as a part of your study/project/teaching. Here is a golden opportunity to share that with world.

Our aim is to provide free service to academics, researchers, and students working in the area of homeopathic & allied medical sciences. We have open collaboration with other organisations and institutions world wide. It would help providing the authors the maximum exposure as well as easy and free access to the users.

It is international in scope and includes both published and unpublished documents having relevance to medicine, homoeopathy & allied medical disciplines.
For reprinted/reproduced articles & powerpoints the necessary copy write permission should be secured by the authors themselves from the previous publishers if necessary.

Case studies & Research articles should be supported with adequate diagnostic evidences. In the electronic form the text should be in 'MS word' format and the pictures/photos should be in 'tiff'/JPG format.

To ensure the highest editorial standards, Similima team may from time to time request information from persons submitting material, and reserves the right to reject any submitted material. Try your best efforts to provide articles that contain up-to-date, relevant accurate information. Please include a passport size photograph as well as a short biographical sketch of the author along with the article.

Abstract : Should be brief and reflects the significance, scope and relevance of the topic and should highlights the principal findings or conclusions
Key words : A set of suitable keywords should be provided on significance of text.

Introduction : A brief introduction that link the subject with readers which should be brief and state precisely the scope of the paper or topic.

References / Bibliography : It has to be written in a particular format, alphabetical order of the author’s last name who have been referred, followed by the publication, publisher and edition etc. Internet reference should be stated along with complete URL address and the date, and time of surfing for referencing. Journals have to be referred with authors last name in alphabetical order, article referred, journal name and volume details.

Abbreviations : Please use internationally accepted standard abbreviations only.

Be a part of this prestigious website. You may become famous in no time!
Send your articles and power points to similimateam@gmail.com 

Dr.K.R.Mansoor Ali
Director & Chief Editor : www.similima.com
Lecturer, Govt. Homeopathic Medical College. Trivandrum.Kerla

Saturday, July 24, 2010

AYUSH 1 Year Certificate Course in Health Promotion Through Distance Learning

In collaboration with Directorate General of Health Services , MoHFW and NIHFW, National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW)
Session 2010 - 2011

In order to build the capacity of frontline professionals in health promotion, the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW) is launching the one year Certificate Course in Health Promotion through distance learning in collaboration with Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. The aim of this course is to build the capacity of medical, paramedical, school teachers, counsellors and other stakeholders concerned with the health of the society across the sectors in aspects related to health promotion.

The course is approved by Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

Fee :Rs. 10,000/- (To be deposited one time)
The course fee has to be deposited along with the application form.
The prospectus and application from can also be downloaded from the website :http://www.nihfw.org/ 

Eligibility : Graduate in any Medical (MBBS/BDS/Bachelor of AYUSH etc.), Paramedical (B.Pharma, B.Sc. Nursing, B.PT/B.OT etc.), Science and Behavioural Sciences stream.

Last date for request for prospectus: By post- 13th August, 2010,In person- 24th August, 2010
For downloading the prospectus : http://nihfw.org/Courses/links/Final%20HP%20brochure%2013.7.2010.pdf

For more details : Phone Direct: +91-11-26183416
Email: director@nihfw.org
Web Site: http://www.nihfw.org/

Module I : Basics of Health Promotion and Health
Module II: Reduction of Risk Factors
Module III: Planning, Designing, Monitoring and Evaluation in Health Promotion
Module IV: Health Promotion and National Health Programmes
Module V: Epidemiology, Health Statistics and Health Management Information Systems
Module VI Health Promotion in Different Settings
Module VII: Information, Education and Communication Strategies for Health Promotion
Module VIII Advocacy in Health Promotion
Module IX Partnership in Health Promotion
Module X Capacity Building for Health Promotion

Scheme of Evaluation
A. Theory Examinations 2 hours each ( Total- 300 Marks)
i. Paper-I ( Modules 1-3) (100 marks)
ii. Paper-II ( Modules 4-6) (100 marks)
iii. Paper-III ( Modules 7-10) (100 marks)
B. Internal Assessment (150 Marks)
i. Project work (50 marks)
ii. Assignments (80 marks)
iii. Participation in contact programme (20 marks)
C. Viva-voce (50 Marks)
Grand Total of A+ B+ C= 500 marks

The professionals already engaged in public and private sectors would get an opportunity to develop specialization in the field of health promotion and thereby may get benefit in their future endeavours

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Homoeopathy Articles - July Updates

Homeopathy General
Alternative Medicine in Modern France - Matthew Ramsey
Professional Guidance for Pharmacists in Northern Ireland on the provision of homeopathic products within a pharmacy
328.Prevention of congenital and heriditary effects through homeopathy - Dr.Rekha Srinivasan.
329.Homeopathic prescription along with allopathic medicines - Is it justified?? - Dr. Aadil Kasim Chimthanawala
330.Frustrated British Doctors panic over spread of homeopathy - Dr. Shaji V. Kudiyat
331.A message to young generation of medical students and doctors - Dr.P K Sasidharan
332.H1N1 Influenza- ABC Guidelines - Directorate of Health Services, Kerala
333.Role Of Pharmacodynamics & Etiology In Homoeopathy - Dr. Puneet Mishra
334.Save young homeopaths & save homeopathy - Dr. Nihal Kumar
335.Time to release the Schrodinger's cat? - Dr. Debasish Sarma Roy.
336.Recent Advancements in Homoeopathy - Prof. Dr. Mahendra H. Gaushal

Homeopathic education
76.Microsoft's free tools for teachers.pdf
77.Healthy Lifestyle & Early Prevention 2010.pdf
78.Health Policy and planning seminar at Trivandrum organised by Kuhas.pdf
79.TNPSC Anser Key published
80.Homeopathic IPD - Real Key to Learn Homeopathy - Dr. Rajat R Chattopadhyay

125.Nobel laureate explains the principles of homeopathy - Drs. Nisanth & Smita Nambison.pdf
126.Dual effect of Toxicodendron pubescens on Carrageenan induced paw edema in rats - Chandragouda R Patil1,*, Ajit R Gadekar1, Pramit N Patel1, Ashish Rambhade1, Sanjay J Surana1 and Mahendra H Gaushal
127.Utility of Biomedical Instrumental Parameters in Homoeopathic Therapy For Depression - Prof. Dr. Mahendra H. Gaushal

Practice of Medicine
158.Diabetes mellitus : A Brief Study - Dr Rajat Chattopadhyay

97.Outline of Organon of medicine - Julian Winston.pdf
98.Relation of Miasm with Pathology - Dr. Mihir Chaudhuri
99.Suppression & Palliation in Homeopathy - Dr.Jenita. R.Fernandes

103.Scientific Methodology of Repertorisation - Dr.K.RMansoor Ali
104.The Missing Corrections and Additions of Kent
Govt orders
26.Appointment list of Homeopathic medical officers in Kerala order dt 29.03.2010
27.Transfer promotion and posting of medical officers in Kerala dt 28.06.10
28.Kerala High Court order on MD Homeopathy admission dt 23 june 2010

Case Presentations
54.A Case of Neurocysticercosis Cured with Homoeopathy - Dr.Rajaneesh Kumar Sharma
55.HIV infection and case study - Dr.V.G.Gopalkar & Dr. Mrs.S.V.Gopalkar
56.The Healing Touch of THUJA OCCIDENTALIS in POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME: Case review with its understanding in the light of Homoeopathic Philosophy -
57.Brief description of few cured cases of Mahesh Bhattacharyya Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital - Dr.Rajat Chattopadhya

Materia Medica
89.An Article on Nux Vomica - Dr A.L.Patil MD (HOM)
90.Difference between biochemic system and homeopathic system of medicine - Dr. Nihal Kumar
91.Quick reference guide to biochemic system of medicine - Dr. Nihal Kumar, BHMS, PUNE
92.12 Tissue Remedies for Homeopaths -Dr. Nihal Kumar

Book Reviews
119.Homeopathy for sexual disorders - Repertory of infertility - Dr.Navin B Gandhi
120.Book Review on Homoeopathic Medical Repertory 3rd Edition - Dr. Aji Punnen
121.Berkely Squire's Homeopathic repertory - DR. Smita Deb Krori (MAITY)

Seminar reviews
28.Brief Report on the 65th Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis - Dr.G.Srinivasulu

An appeal : Most of you are making lots of good power points and articles as a part of your study /project/teaching. Here is a golden opportunity to share that with world.
Please send the articles and ppts to : similimateam@gmail.com

Sunday, July 18, 2010

200 New Medical & Homeopathic PowerPoint Presentations added today

Microbiology & Parasitology
Mycology -Questions and answers
56.Parasitology - Questions and Answers
57.Microbiology & parasitology - Questions and answers
58.Virology - Questions and answers
59.Immunology - Questions and Answers
1.Infection - types and methods
2.Life on earth - Mycology
4.The fascinating world of microbes
5.Introduction to parasitology
6.Differenet types of immunity
7.Streptococcacea family
8.Mycoses -types and treatment
9.Diffrent types of antigen
10.Subcutaneous mycosis
12.Serological tests in Medical Practice
13.Deep mycosis - cutaneous
14.Compliment in health & disease
16.Opportunistic mycosis
17.Opportunistic mycosis - Part.11
19.Structure and functions of immune system
24.Transplantation immunity & Major Histocompatibility complex
25.Cancer and immune system
26.Vibrio Cholera
27.Campylobacter and Helicobacter - Dr.Anitha.P.M
28.Immuno haematology
29.Endemic mycosis
30.Clostridium - General features
31.Cellular immune response
32.Non sporing anaerobs
38.Haemophilus borddtella
39.Zoonosis - disease and primary animal reserviors
41.Mycobacterium - Part.11
42.Mycobacterium Leprae
43.Syphillis - Spirochetes
44.Non veneral Treponematosis
46.M. pneumoniae,M.hominis,Ureaplasma urealyticum
50.Auto Immunity
51.Morphology & Physiology of bacteria
52.Sterilisation techniques
53.Disinfection techniques
54.General Bacteriology - Dr.Lathi Nair
61.Mechanism of allergic immunity
62.Anti microbial agents, antibiotic sensitivity tests
63.Antibiotics - method of action
64.Antigen - definition and differences
65.Arboviruses - Part.1
66.Arbovisruses -Part.II
67.Bacteriophage - Dr.M.Nizamuddin
69.Blood and tissue protozoa of man
70.Blood Volume
71.Cell culture - Methods and techniques
72.Cell pathology
73.Cells of the immune system
76.Culture media and culture methods
78.Enterococcus - Dr.Anu P Jihn
79.Bacterial genetics - Part.1
80.Bacterial genetics - Part.II
82.Hepatitis viruses - taxonomically unrelated viruses
83.Hepatitis B viruses
84.Hepatitis C viruses
85.Herpes Viridae
86.Herpes Viruses
88.Infections and micro organisms
89.Introduction to virology
90.Laboratory diagnosis of parasitic infections
91.Microarray or genomic chip
92.Miscellaneous viruses
93.Molecular methods for microbial identification & their clinical applications - Dr. Vijayakumar S
94.Morphology and physiology of bacteria - Dr.Anitha.P.M
95.Mycoplasma - Dr.Anitha.P.M
97.Oncogenic viruses
98.Overview of molecular methods
100.Molecular diagnostic techniques in microbiology
101.Picorna Viruses
102.Streptococcus pneumonia
104.Rabies Virus
105.Replication of virus
106.Pox viruses
107.Judicious use of a microbiology laboratory - Dr.Lathi Nair
108.Miscellaneous sporozoa
109.Controll of microbial growth - sterilisation & disinfection
111.Streptococci - Dr.Alvin Fox
112.Tissue Nematodes
113.Toxoplasma gondi - toxoplasmosis
114.Trematodes - flukes
115.Typhus fever - Dr.anu P John
116.Virus host Interactions

Practice of Medicine
268.Acute Ottitis media - Dr.Jitendra Patel
269.Management of Dysphagia - Dr.Divya V K P
270.Viral Enchephalitis - Dr.Irene Jose.M
271.Endocrine functions of Kidney and Heart
272.Hagar and Medicine
273.Renal failure - Dr.D.Venmani
274.Disorders of Kidney. Dr.Shalini G Unnithan
275.Malaria and Homeopathy - Dr.Shamna.B.N
276.Melidosis in calicut - tip of an iceberg
277.Migraine and Homeopathy - Dr.Aisha
278.Monsoon diseases - Dr.Anitha.P.M
279.The Metabolic Syndrome in Patients Treated with Atypical Neuroleptcs - Dr.Walid sarhan
280.Urinary tract Infection - effective mangement- Dr.Divya sanal

ENT - Ear Nose & Throat
1.Acute Ottitis media - Dr.Jitendra Patel
2.Acute Bacterial Ottitis externa - Dr.Jitendra Patel
3.Diseases of auricle - Dr.Jitendra Patel
4.Foreign body in ear - Dr.Jitendra Patel
5.Otomycosis - Dr.Jitendra Patel
6.Wax in ear - Dr.Jitendra Patel

Homeopathy General
227.Why our science took 200 years to reach to present understanding?
228.Dreams and the Interpretations - Dr.S.M.D'souza
229.Monsoon disorders and effective homeopathic management -1 - Dr.Divya sanal.K
229a..Monsoon disorders and effective homeopathic management -II - Dr.Divya sanal.K

67.Relevance of chapter 'Ankle' in Murphy's repertory - Dr.Shamna
68.Relevance of chapter 'Arm' in Murphy's repertory - Dr.Resmi
69.Terminologies in Boerick's repertory - Dr.Resmi
70. Methodology of case taking by C.m.Boger - Dr.Preethi A John
71.Methodology of case taking by Dr.dunham - Dr.Sreekala.M
72.Complete Repertory to the eye - Dr.Basavarajeshwari
73.Mind chapter in Synthesis repertory - Dr.Arun Krishnan

63.Aorta - Dr.Shalini G Unnithan
64.Basal Ganglia - Dr.Aruna Parvathy
65.Cerebellum - Dr.Bharath Praveen
66.Circle of Willis - Dr.shamna
67.Duodenum -Dr.Asha V Sasi
68.Anatomy of Eye - Dr.Shalini G Unnithan
69.Renal system - Dr.Bharath Praveen
70.Applied anatomy of ovary - Dr.Soumya.U.S
71.Prolpase of utereus - Dr.Aisha
72.Thymus - Dr.Aruna Parvathy
73.Ventricles of brain - Dr.Sharika.R

137.Are you really happy
138.Photo Journalism
139.Humour in life and its benefits - Dr.Asokkumar Dantkale
140.Personality development notes

Materia Medica
141.A comprehensive study of Baryta group - Dr.Resmi
142.Magnesia Phosphorica in malarial fevers - Dr.Sebabrata Roy
143.solanacea - Dr.Aisha J Hassan

Book reviews
15.Bell's Diarrhoea - Dr.Aisha
16.Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory - Dr.Sreeraj.R
17.Homeopathic Medical Repertory by Dr.Robin Murphy
18.Repertory of symptoms of fever - Dr.Resmi.R
19.Minton's Uterus - Dr.Preethi A John
20.Sensation as if - a repertory of subjective symptoms - Dr.Aisha

25.Bile and its clinical application - Dr.Soumya.U.S
26.Visual pathways - Dr.Shalini G Unnithan
27.Gastrointestinl system - Dr.Asha V Sasi
28.Renal System - Dr.Divya
29.Acid base balance and Fluid balance - Dr.Pramod Nair
30.Micturition - appplied physiology - Dr.Pramod Nair
31.Glomerulonephritis - Dr.Shalini G Unnithan
32.Pineal gland and Melatonin
33.Lungs - essential organs of respiration - Dr.Divya.V.K.T
34.Pancreas - Dr.Asha V sasi
35.Sense of smell
36.Spinal cord and nerves - Dr.Sharika.K.U

121.HIV current diagnostic approach - Dr.Sarada Devi.K.L
122.HIV and AIDS
123.HIV and lab diagnosis
124.HIV testing - Strategies and Methods
125.Human immuno Deficiency Virus

137Haemostasis, coagulation and platelets - Dr.Sharika
138.Cell Pathology - Dr. Mahendra gaushal

24.Orthopedics - Pathology and X-ray for medical students
25.Urology X-rays

94.Remedy reaction

17.Therapeutics of fever - Dr.Aisha J Hassan
16.Urinary tract infection - homeopathic therapeutics - Dr.Divya Sanal

Community Medicine
35Waste mangement

105.An Introduction to Bio Medical Instrumentation Science - Prof. Mahendra H. Gaushal
106.Studies on biomedical instrumental parameteres in homeopathy - Mahendra H. Gaushal

Please mail events, CMEs, jobs or any news related to homeopathy to : similimateam@gmail.com

With Best Wishes
Dr.K.R.Mansoor Ali MD(Hom)
Director & Chief Editor. wwww.similima.com   

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Download hundreds of free Medical & Homeopathic Books from www.similima.com

Collection of free books on Anatomy, Physiology, Medicine, Gynaecology,Homeopathy, Psychology etc.
Link : www.similima.com/freebooks.htm

Please mail Articles, PowerPoints, News, CMEs, Job or anything related to Homeopathy & Medicine to : similimateam@gmail.com

Enter your email id at http://www.similimateam.blogspot.com/ . We will send an email to you whenever important updates are posted in www.similima.com

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Latest Homeopathy News

New PG Homeopathy Courses in Kerala - AYUSH approval awaited
“Homoeopathy can prevent Japanese Encephalitis” - Reserach
Alternative medicine gaining ground in UAE
Oman Insurance to offer cover to homeopathy at Dubai Healthcare City
Dental Fillings, Earrings, Wristwatch and Jewelry May be the Hidden Cause Behind Chronic Pain and Muscle Weakness
Dr Parinaz Humeranwala's Expert System
HON is conducting a study on Internet use for health/medical purposes
Rajasthan to get world's first homoeopathy varsity
Microsoft Tools for Teachers and Students
Homoeopath held for 'raping' his 7-yr-old patient
Laser pointers 'pose danger to eyes'
Protest against the BMA attacks on homeopathy
A NOBEL discovered a firm scientific foundation for homeopathy.
Dana Ullman's newest article on "Energy Medicine"
BMA junior doctors demonstrate lack of knowledge
Supporters of homeopathy outraged at medical union's attacks
Homeopathy could cure swine flu, say experts
Dr James Le Fanu on homeopathy: wrong, but instructively so
Teenage Binge Drinking Might Have Long-Term Effects
Complete Dynamics 2.9 released
Two-thirds of medical research is wrong or fraudulent
WHO rushed to protect Big Pharma, not the public
The Marvellous Health of Unvaccinated Children
Chemotherapy now killing the pharmacists who dispense it

Sunday, July 11, 2010

“Homoeopathy can prevent Japanese Encephalitis” - Reserach

Special Correspondent
The Hindu NEW DELHI, July 11, 2010

Homoeopathic medicine Belladonna is effective in preventing Japanese Encephalitis (JE), a recent study conducted by the Kolkata-based School of Tropical Medicine has shown. Belladonna is derived from a plant A. belladonna which is also source of the drug atropine.

Conducted in collaboration with the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) under the Department of AYUSH, researchers claim to have found a probable role for Belladonna in preventing JE virus infection. 

The results of the study are published in the latest issue of the American Journal of Infectious Diseases. The outcome of the study was presented by Principal Investigator Bhaswati Bandopadhyay, Assistant Professor of Virology at the Clinical Virology Symposium, in April last year at Florida.

Japanese Encephalitis presents a significant risk to humans and animals, particularly in South East Asia (including India) where around 50,000 cases and 10,000 deaths occur per year, particularly affecting children below 10 years. The statistics reveal that about 50 per cent of the patients who develop JE suffer from permanent neurological defects and 30 per cent of them die due to the disease.

“The study is a befitting reply to the critics and sceptics of homoeopathy who have been denouncing the therapy,” Director-General of CCRH, C. Nayak, said.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New way to detect viral infections gives homeopathy a boost

New way to detect viral infections gives homeopathy a boost
Jonathan Leake

An Nobel laureate who discovered the link between HIV and AIDS has suggested there could be a firm scientific foundation for homeopathy.

Professor Luc Montagnier,a French virologist,stunned his colleagues at a prestigious international conference when he presented a new method for detecting viral infections which bore close parallels to the basic tenets of homeopathy.Although fellow Nobel prize winners who view homeopathy as quackery were left shaking their heads,Montagniers comments were rapidly embraced by homeopaths in UK eager for greater credibility.

Montagnier told the conference last week that solutions containing DNA of pathogenic bacteria and viruses,including HIV,could emit low frequency radio waves that induced surrounding water molecules to become arranged into nanostructures.These water molecules,he said,could also emit radio waves.He suggested that water could retain such properties even after the original solutions were massively diluted,to the point where the original DNA had effectively vanished.In this way,he suggested,water could retain the memory of substances with which it had been in contact - and doctors could use the emissions to detect disease.

For the lay person such claims may sound technical but uncontroversial.For scientists they are highly provocative because they embody principles which are extremely similar to those said to underpin homeopathy.Homeopathic medicines work on the principle that a toxic substance taken in minute amounts will cure same symptoms that it would cause if it were taken in large amounts.

Montagniers claims come at a sensitive time,with British Medical Associations annual conference last week calling for the National Health Service to stop spending 4m a year on homeopathy.

            Times of India - 5th July 2010

Why Swine Flu and What we should be doing in India?

Everybody in medical sector please read this thought provoking article

Author : Dr.P.K.Sasidharan
Dean Faculty of Medicine, University of Calicut, Kerala
Prof, HOD, Department of Medicine. Medical College. Calicut

Just log on to : http://www.similima.com/homeopathygeneral/gen325.html

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Medical and Nursing Exams & Job at United Arab Emirates

Ministry of Health United Arab Emirates (UAE) Examinations, Registration,Evaluation Procedures, Regulations , Jobs
Physicians, Dentistry, Nursing & Midwives,Pharmacists & Their Assistants, Technicians, Alternative Medicines - Homoeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani, Chinese Medicine etc

Nurses & Midwives :
Physicians and Dentists :  
Alternative Medicines (Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani etc.) :  
Pharmacists & Their Assistants  
Technicians :
For details log on to :http://www.similima.com/jobs/mohuaejobs.html  

Friday, July 2, 2010

Useful Medical & Homeopathic Websites & Resources

Similima team presents innovative and effective website links - a rare collection useful for students, teachers and professionals in medical profession
Link : www.similima.com/links.htm

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Organon of Medicine
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Rudy's Archaic Medical Terms

Homeopathy in India Links
Online News Papers : www.newseum.com
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Microsoft Tools for Teachers and Students
Latest Medical News

Government Websites
Website by Homeopathy Doctors
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Please send your favourite medical website links ...the websites you often visit .....which you think will help other doctors also...many of our fellow doctors are unaware of such websites...
Email : similimateam@gmail.com 

Thought: 'When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others.'

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Universities in India Offering PhD in Homoeopathy

West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kolkata, West Bengal
Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, Maharashtra
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangaloor, Karnataka
Kerala University of Health and Allied Sciences, Kerala
MGR University of Medical Sciences, Tamilnadu
Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University

For detailed procedures,rules & regulations Visit www.similima.com/PhDhomeopathy.html