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Sunday, May 2, 2010
257 New Powerpoint Presentations added toady at www.similima.com
An appeal : If you have any powerpoints please mail to : similimateam@gmail.com
AYUSH Keralam - Dr.Rejikumar
Life style disease - Dr.K.Sandeep
On the choice of family physician
Aetiological consideration in Homeopathy - Dr.Nalini Prava Nayak
History of Medicine - Dr.Arunkrishnan
Mainstreaming of AYUSH in managerial issues - Dr.U Dutta
Contributions of Dr.J.H.Clarke - Dr.Ranjith Chandra
Concept of dynamism, application of philosophy in health disease and cure - Dr.A.Rajender reddy
Homeopathic approach on infertility
Mainstreaming of AYUSH - Dr.S.K.Panda
Challenges of convergence under NRHM
Siddha System of Medicine - Dr.Senthilvel
Importance of physical features in homeopathic prescription - Dr.Kannan
Management of complex disease states in Homeopathy - Dr.Dinesh Rao
Mainstreaming of AYUSH - ASHA training - Dr.A.Raghu
Male sexual disorders and homeopathic management - Dr.Shivakumar
The scientific basis of homoeopathy
Common ailments and home remedies - Dr.Sushmita Sharma
AYUSH in Puducherry
Strength of Ayurveda - Dr.Manoj Nesari
Comparative study of Systems of Medicines & Scope of Medicine in 21st Century - Dr.Subhas Singh
Purchase of medicine and legal aspects of homeopathic practice - Dr.S.Suresh
AYUSH Programmes in Kerala
Panchakarma in Ayurveda
Mainstreaming of AYUSH - training modules
Geriatric health care - Dr.Durga
General Examination
Dispensary management and accounting - Dr.P.Haridas
Schemes under AYUSH
Dispensary management - Dr.Roy. Y
NRHM & AYUSH - Dr.R.Reji Kumar
Genus Epidemicus - Homeopathic preventive for prophylaxis
About REACH - Rapid Action Epidemic Cell Homeopathy - Dr.B.S.Rajashekaran
Health systems in Kerala - Dr.K.Sandeep
Epidemic prophylaxis - Dr.B.S.Rajashekaran
Attendance register - Dr.Ajith Roy
Introduction to Unani - Dr.M.A.Qasmy
Vision Homeopathy -IHMA
National workshop on emerging fevers and chikungunya - Dr.R.Rejikumar
Practice of Medicine
Angina pectoris - Dr.Arun Krishnan
Cerebral palsy - Dr.Rumsheed Necholi
Cerebrovascular disorders - Dr.Suja Pillai
Colo rectal cancer - Dr.Suja Pillai
Common sexual problems in medical practice - Dr.T.M.Raghuram
Diabetes - Dr.Suja Pillai
Role of Laboratory investigation in the diagnosis of diseases- Dr.Lilly
Epilepsy homeopathic approach - Dr.Aji Punnen
Epilepsy - Dr.Suja Pillai
Genetic disorders - Dr.Ranjith Chandra
Homeopathic approach to tumors - Dr.Aji Punnen
Glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis - Dr.Shivakumar
Homeopathic Lithotripsy - Dr.H.L.Swamy
HSP - Philosophy, repertory and materia medica - Dr.Suja Pillai
HYperlipdemia - Dr.Rajeev.O
Intervertebral disc prolapse - Dr.ArunKrishnan
Lamellar Icthyosis - Dr.Suja Pillai
Lichen planus - Homeopathic approach - Dr.Aji Punnen
Motorneuron disease - philosophical and homeopathic perspective - Dr.Aji Punnen
Motor neuron disease - Dr.Suja Pillai
Pancreas and homeopathy - Dr.Rajeev.O
Interesting facts about carcinoma pancreas - Dr.Suja Pillai
Psoriasis and homoeopathy - Dr.Arun Krishna
Rheumatic fever - Dr.Suja Pillai
Rheumatoid arthritis and homeopathy - Dr.Suhana P Azis
Spleen - Dr.Makudam Thampi
Steven Johnson syndrome - Dr.K.Shivakumar
Stroke and homoeopathy
Tonsils and homoeopathy - Dr.Divya Sambasivan
Bell's Palsy - Dr.Rumsheed Necholoi
Bronchogenic Carcinoma - Dr.ArunKrishnan
Carcinoma esophagus - Dr.ArunKrishnan
Colorectal carcinoma -homeopathic approach - Dr.Aji Punnen
Dengue Fever and homeopathy - Dr.Anisha.K.
Glioblastoma multiforme - Dr.Rumshhed Necholi
Lichen planus - Dr.Rumsheed Necholi
Syphilis - Dr.Nirvas.S.Bhatt
Parkinsons disease and homeopathy - Dr.Madhuri N Bhatt
Cerebral palsy - Dr.Rumsheed Necholi
Renal calculi and homeopathy - Dr.Hema K Kartha
Rheumatic Heart Disease – Philosophical & Repertorial Perspective - Dr.Rumsheed Necholi
Non communicable disease - Diagnosis and management - Dr.Rahul
Common communicable diseases and their management - Dr.V.K.Sasikumar
Life style diseases - Dr.K.Sandeep
Communicable disease - prevention and control - Dr.P.R.Jaya
First Aid - Dr.T.S.Jayan
Trauma care - Dr.T.S.Jayan
Immunisation - Dr.Benny Texelem
Introduction to homeopathic palliative care - Dr.Dinesh.R.S
Basic first aid
CPCR - Basic Life Support - Dr.Sajeesh.G
Medical Observer - Understanding Hahnemannian concept and its implication in Homeopathic practice - Dr.N.L.Tiwari
Medical Observer - accurate to perceive
Aetiology causation and Diathesis - Dr.Sunil D Balinge
Fundamental Principles of Dynamisation.-An Evolutionary study of Hahnemannian thought process - Dr.Sunil D Balinge
Evolution of Organon - Dr.Subhas Singh
History of medicine - the Hippocratic period - Dr.Ranjith Chandra
Motivation, Will, Drive: Kentian Model in the Light of Modern Psychology - Dr.Anand Kaspe
The case - problem definition and problem resolution
Concept of temperament and constitution in homeopathic practice - Dr.N.L.Tiwari
Relationship between homeopathic philosophy & construction of materia medica - Dr.Hitesh Purohit
The science of doses: An evolutionary study in Hahnemannian literature & its application - Dr.Anad R Kapse
The renaissance period - Dr.Ranjith Chandra
Science of doses and evolutionary study of hahnemannian literatures - Dr.Sunil Parse
Evolution of similia - Dr.Ranjith Chandra
Layers of suppression and disease progression
Homeopathic philosophy at the bedside - Dr.R.Rejikumar
Miasm - a deeper understanding - Dr.R.Rejikumar
As a holistic physician - Dr.R.Rejikumar
Organon of Medicine - Dr.Samuel Hahnemann - Dr.R.Rejikumar
Homeopathic posology - Dr.R.Rejikumar
Dynamis - vital force as seen by modern medicine - Dr.R.Rejikumar
Relationship of homeopathic philosophy to materia medica - Dr.Nisha Paul
Anatomy and homeopathic philosophy
Relation of anatomy with homeopathic philosophy - Dr.Roshan Pinto
Diaphram and phrenic nerve - Dr.Arun Krishnan
Applied anatomy of Gall Bladder - Dr.Suja Pillai
Anatomy of heart and coronary circulation - Dr.Divya Sambasivan
Role on anatomy in understanding health - Dr.Praveen Raj
Anatomy related to pathology - Dr.G.Saravanan
Need of anatomy in homeopathy undergraduate courses
Applied anatomy of cubital fossa - Dr.Ranjith Chandra
Anatomy of trigeminal nerve - Dr.Nadira A
Use of anatomy in Homoeopathy
Brachialplexus - Dr.Arunkrishnan
Embryology & developmental stages in relation to disease progress- Dr.G.Pandian
Applied anatomy of esophagus - Dr.Hema K Kartha
British Medical Journal - Dr.Ranjith Chandra
Butterflies and Homeopathy - Dr.Suja Pillai
Card Repertory - Dr.Suja Pillai
Chronic disease -preface to fourth volume - Dr.Ranjit Chandra
Repertory to the rheumatic remedies - Dr.Suja Pillai
Dr.J.T.Kent's Homeopathic materia medica - Dr.Nirvas Bhatt
A Case of Anal Fissure - Dr.Shivakumar
A case of IVDP - Dr.Shivakumar
A case of multiple warts - Dr.Shivakumar
A case of cancer of lung - Dr.Shivakumar
Carcinoma Pancreas - Homeopathic approach - Dr.Aji Punnen
A case of sacralisation of lumbar vertebrae
Obsessive Compulsive disorder of childhood
Recurrent LRTI
A case of motorneuron disease - Dr.Arun Krishnan
Suppression leads to Diabetes Mellitus
A case of cerebral atrophy - Dr.K.Shivakumar
Cerebral palsy - Homeopathic approach - Dr.Aji Punnen
A case of familial tremors
Reactive depression with retinal artery thrombosis
Two cases of acute poisoning - Dr.Arun Kumar.M.V
NRHM - Operational guidelines - Dr.Ajith Prasad.K.K
NRHM Kerala an overview - Dr.P.K.Jameela
Communicable diseases - prevention and care - Dr.R.Jaya
Epidemic prophylaxis - Dr.B.S.Rajashekaran
ECG made easy - Dr.Arunkrishnan
School health programme in Kerala - Dr.S.Gopikumar
Soft skills for Professionals
Effective communication
Purchase of medicine and legal aspects of homeopathic practice - Dr.S.Suresh
Partograph - Dr Sheela V.Mane
Ante natal care - Systematic supervision of a woman during pregnancy
Complications after delivery, auxillary treatment and Homeopathy
Role of homeopathic constitutional medicine in maintaining normal pregnancy - Dr.Anita Fernandas
Complications of pregnancy - minor & major
Homeopathic approach on infertility
Primary postpartum hemorrhage and its management - Dr.Arun Rao
Strengths of Homoeopathy and National Campaign on Homoeopathy for Mother and Child Health Care - Prof. Chaturbhuja Nayak
MTP and the Law
Normal Delivery - Dr.Arun Rao
Obstetric procedures - Dr.V.P.Paily
Scope of antimaismatic remedy for mother for delivering healthy baby - Dr.Jyoshna Shivaprasad
Shock in obstetrics - Dr.Arun Rao
Antenatal care - Dr.A.K.Radhakrishnan
Toxemia of pregnancy - homeopathic approach - Dr.R.Rejikumar
Staphysagria - Dr.Bipin Jain
Ammonium Group - Dr.Roy Zachariah
Calcarea Group - Dr.Roy Zachariah
Kali groups - Dr.Roy Zavhariah
Magnesium Group - Dr.Roy Zachariah
Natrum Group - Dr.Roy Zachariah
A study on sepia - Dr.Abhisha
Personality of plants - Dr.Roy Zachariah
Ferrum Group - Dr.Roy Zachariah
Graphitis - Dr.Hema Kartha
Lachesis and Sepia - Dr.Roy Zachariah
A study of Nosodes - Dr.Roy
Metals - Personality traits - Dr.Roy Zachariah
My way or else
Relationship between homeopathic philosophy & construction of materia medica - Dr.Hitesh Purohit
Application of study of personality in building materia medica - Dr.Bipin Jain
Rananculacea family - Dr.Rajeev.O
Relationship of Sepia - Dr.Sheetal Pawar
Sepia from source books
Sepia from clinical materiamedica
Staphysagria - a brief study
Attitude is everything
Happy couple
Life cycle of Mercedes Benz
M F Hussain paintings
Positive approach
Who made Google logos?
What is cadership?
Your life success or failure??
For sons and daughters
Voted the best Email of the year
Did you know. .good luck
April fool 2010
Are you so lazy like this!!
Is it possible to forget!!
Life is beautiful
Never Angry
Nice Garden
Result of love marriage
Shhh...they are sleeping
Some excellent snaps
Concepts of Tintu Mon
What could you call these people?
Hypersensitivity applied aspects - Dr.Ranjith Chandra
Anatomy related to pathology - Dr.G.Saravanan
Platelets hemostasis and coagulation - Dr.Ranjith Cahndra
Enterobacteria salmonella - Dr.Suja Pillai
An Overview of Common Childhood Illnesses and Infectious Diseases - Dr.Santhosh T Soans
Strengths of Homoeopathy and National Campaign on Homoeopathy for Mother and Child Health Care - Prof. Nayak
Homeopathic medicines in newborn condition - Dr.Jyoshna Shivaprasad
Neonatology - Dr.Santhosh T Soans
Role of homeopathic medicines in pediatric care - Dr.Jyoshna Shivaprasad
Promoting Hahnemannian homeopathy in pediatrics
Newborn care - Dr.Bennytexelom
Illness of young infants - Dr.Amer Fettle
Growth and developments - Infancy to adolescents - Dr.Bennytexelom
Problems & perspectives in the identifying of Homoeopathic medicinal plants - D.Suresh Baburaj
Good manufacturing practice in homeopathy and legal issues - Dr.Prakash Joshi
Microscopic study of triturations - Dr.Dilip Panakkada
Drug Proving - Dr. P. Y. Devadiga
Homeopathic pharmacopia India - monograph - Dr.Manisha Sarkar
Significance of microscopic and macroscopic studies in Homeopathic pharmacy - Dr.K.S.Gopi
Quality control- change in face of homeopathic pharmacy - Dr.P.N.Verma
Some common medicinal plants and preparation - Dr.Vipin Sharma
Applied aspects of different potencies in Homoeopathic pharmacy - Dr.A.K.Mishra
Recent Advances in Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Quality control or standardization of drugs – Dr.Cyriac Thomas
TCA Cycle - Dr.Suja Pillai
BMR - Basal Metabolic Rate
Depression homeopathic approach - Dr.Suja Pillai
Memory - Dr.Suhana P Azis
Concept of Sigmaund Freud
Mesmerism and Hypnotism - Dr.Smitha Velayudhan
Intelligence - Dr.Divya Sambasivan
Motivation, Will, Drive: Kentian Model in the Light of Modern Psychology - Dr.Anand Kaspe
Concept of organic hole - Dr.Ranjit Chandra
Perception - Dr.Ranjit Chandra
Concept of mind -mesmer - Dr.R.Rejikumar
Interpreting Chest X-rays
Diagnostic imaging - current concepts- Dr.Shaji.
Fever chapter in Boger's Repertory - Dr.Makudam Thampy
Introduction to case taking - Dr.Suhan P Aziz
Efficacy of Homoeopathic medicines in Dysmenorrhoea with Repertorial approach - Dr.Mrs. Lalita .S. Nadgir.
A short trip through repertories - Dr.Harikumar.S
Casetaking method of H A Robert - Dr.Rumsheed Necholi
Relationship of anatomy with repertory - Dr.Kannan
Beta Diag - Model of Homoeopathic Medicine Posology -Rolland R. CONTE & Yves LASNE
Drug Proving - Dr. P. Y. Devadiga
Efficacy of Homoeopathic medicines in Dysmenorrhoea with Repertorial approach - Dr.Mrs. Lalita .S. Nadgir.
Research methodology - Dr.S.Nagarajan
Homeopathic research methodology - Dr.R.Rejikumar
A study on tumours with homeopathic therapeutics - By-Dr.Vibhu Soppanna
Common ailments and home remedies - Dr.Sushmita Sharma
Expecting your constant support and encouragement
Pease mail events, CMEs, jobs or any news related to homeopathy from your state/area to us : similimateam@gmail.com
With Best Wishes
Dr.K.R.Mansoor Ali MD(Hom)
Director & Chief Editor. wwww.similima.com
Lecturer, Govt. Homeopathic Medical College. Trivandrum
Email : similimateam@gmail.com Mob : +91-9249337799
Visit www.similima.com - A portal for homeopathic students,teachers and professionals
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