Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gov. of Kerala conduct PAP on Free Software

Project will demonstrate how there is an effective  free software alternative to each and every computer application that an average user requires on a daily basis.

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: After successfully popularising free software in Kerala's schools, the IT@School Project of the Education Department has given shape to a State-wide awareness campaign aimed at exposing the everyday computer user to the possibilities and advantages of using Linux-based software.

In the first phase of this campaign, one-day workshops will be held across the State during the summer months. Resource persons of the IT@School Project will demonstrate how there is a free software alternative to each and every computer application that an average user requires on a daily basis.

In the next phase of the programme, such workshops will be held across the State every Saturday and Sunday. The Student IT Coordinators in each school will be tasked with organising free software popularisation sessions in their institutions to offer the local community Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) installation support and trouble-shooting services. This endeavour will be modelled on the FOSS outreach drive initiated by KPES High School, Kayakkodi, Kozhikode.

The first phase of these one-day training sessions will kick off in Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Malappuram, Kozhikode, Kannur and Kasaragod on April 23. The workshops will feature sessions on the use and benefits of GNU/Linux, scope of Open Office packages, Malayalam typing, multimedia packages, image editing, sound recording, video editing and GNU/Linux installation. The participants of this training programme will be provided a resource DVD with free software applications. There will be a nominal registration fee of Rs. 50 for each participant.

“The aim is to gradually extend the facilities available in schools during holidays for imparting free software-based ICT training to parents and the general public with the help of Student IT Club members. This process will facilitate effective usage of students and resources at schools such as computer labs and peripherals, and also will result in creating better harmony between students, parents and also the general public. The help of institutions/organisations that work in the FOSS arena would also be sought for this, project executive director Anvar Sadath said.

The IT@School Project — often seen as the technology arm of Education Department — claims to be the “largest simultaneous deployment” of FOSS-based ICT education. Mr. Sadath pointed out to The Hindu that every year an estimated 50 lakh students in the State derive the benefit of FOSS-based ICT education.

The Project, which primarily focussed on Teacher Empowerment programmes, commenced its student training programmes from this academic year. As part of this, 22,375 Student School IT Co-ordinators (SSITCs) received training in ICT-specific skills during the last Onam vacation.

Similarly, 51,790 School IT Club members were trained during the last Christmas holidays. Following this, there were several requests from the public to extend these trainings to them, Mr. Sadath added.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Latest Job Openings for Homoeopaths

Reader, Administrative Officer & Museum Curator Vacancies at NIH Kolkatta
Administrative Officer : 1 Post 
Pay band Rs.15,500 -39,100/- + Rs.5400/- GP
Reader : 9 posts 
Pay band Rs.15,600- 39,100/- + Rs.7600- GP
Qualification : A post graduate degree in the concerned subject + Experience 
Museum Curator : 1 Post
Pay band Rs.9300 - 34,800/- + Rs.4200/- GP

BHMS Doctors needed - Kolkatta
For upcoming Homeopathy Research Foundation based in Salt Lake City, Kolkata.
Applications from Fresher & Local Residents of Kolkata will only be accepted.
Knowledge of Internet & Basic Computer Operation is highly essential.
Language Proficiency - Bengali, Hindi & English 
Salary - To be discussed in person

Life Force Center requires Homoeopathic Doctors
Asia's largest homeopathic center, world's first ISO 9001:2000 certified global homeopathic clinic attached with a Research wing, under care of Dr. Rajesh Shah, invites job applications for the following positions, to be positioned in Mumbai, India.
1. Homeopathic doctors: Qualified homeopathic graduates from reputed institutes (From India or other countries) with three years of experience may apply for the post of Assistantship. Excellent academic record is a must.
2. Homeopathy trainee: Fresher from reputed institutes with excellent academic background may apply for junior trainee.
3. Research officer: Candidates should have graduation in medicine or allied fields. Experience with research in homeopathy is preferred but not essential.
4. Patient education developer: Science graduates with experience in developing medical educational literature for patients. Three years experience is required. Freelance may also contact.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Govt. of India Criticized Central Council of Homoeopathy on Standard of Homoeopathy Colleges

Govt. of India (AYUSH) given strict direction to Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH) to implement Minimum Standard of  Education with immediate effect. 

Govt. of India  received many complaints and found that many medical colleges are not fulfilling the minimum  standards, norms of CCH with regard to availability of infrastructure, teaching and non-teaching staff.

Department of AYUH Govt. India in their report (F.No.R-13040/10/2011 -HD (Tech) dt. March 2011 expressed their concerns as  "The Central Government has also received complaints, in this scenario gives apprehension that there may be possibility of growth of substandard  education. Similarly, the existence of such substandard colleges may create a possibility of  adopting malpractices and unfair practices by the is necessary to adopt urgent measures to regularly monitor the Homoeopathy Medical Colleges. 

Govt. of India had given the flowing guidlines with cut of date
(with immediate effect CCH may carry out the following)

To carry out the inspection/ visitation of all Homoeopathy Medical Colleges  minimum once in a year during January to March of each calendar year to ascertain the  availability of teachers, equipment, accommodation, training and other facilities as specified in Homoeopathy (MSE) Regulations, 1983 and submit their report and  recommendation to the Central Government by the end of April every calendar year.

The Council should carry out inspection of those 11(eleven) colleges  which have been granted permission by the Department under provision of  Section 12(A) of HCC Act, 2002, from 2004-05 onwards (list enclosed at Annexure- 2) and the 72 colleges which were granted permission by the Department?s order  No R.11011/03/2003-EP (Pt.) dated 13th September, 2004 

The visitation/ inspection reports along with CCH recommendations  pertaining to the above said 83 colleges on the availability of having requirements  as specified in provisions of Homoeopathy (MSE) Regulations, 1983, should be made available to the Central Government by 31.05.2011

CCH is also requested to strictly monitor the compliance of Homoeopathy  (Minimum Standard of Education) Regulations, 1983 before sending any  recommendations to the Central Government in respect of either inclusion of degrees in second schedule of HCC Act, 1973 or proposals as received under Section 12A of HCC Act, 1973. 

Measurable Minimum requirements  
The Regulation no:3 of these Regulations provide for Minimum requirements: There shall be attached to every Homoeopathic College a Hospital  having not less than 25 beds and having minimum requirements, norms and standards as specified by these regulations in regard to teaching as well as hospital staff, equipment, accommodation, training and other facilities and such Homoeopathic Colleges shall also have one peripheral Homoeopathic clinic for every 10 admissions?. 

The summary of measurable norms are as follows:- 
(i) Hospital - Minimum 25 bedded hospital with one peripheral homeopathy  clinic for every 10 admission along with the student bed ratio 1:1
(ii) Minimum teaching staff - for BHMS degree college ? 13 Professors, 15 Reader and 15 lecturers totaling 43.  Out of which 37 should be full time and 6 can be part-time. 
(iii) Non-teaching staff - 8 employees.
(iv) Hospital Staff -  for 50 bedded hospital - 41 full time and 9 part-time.
(v) Equipments - 466 equipments as listed in Annexure-F.  
(vi) Lecture Hall  - 6 
(vii) Teaching Lab - Lab in three specified departments 
(viii) OPD -  Running OPD in 8 departments.
(ix) IPD - Running IPD with 4 wards 
(x) Museum ? Museum in 5 specified departments 

Boottom line
Majority of the homoeopathic colleges in India are substandard even though CCH inspect them regularly. CCH allowed colleges to start MD course who are still lacking the infra structure even for under graduation. Moreover some of the members of CCH have either their own colleges or investments in various private Homoeopathic Colleges all over the country - everbody knows the standard of that colleges. 

The Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH)  itself the apex body to monitor the standards of Homoeopathic education in India - is diluted the standards of education in Homoeopathy.

This is due to immense lobbying by various vested interests, flouting all the established norms, standards. eligibility, and quality of Homoeopathic education in our country. No where in the country and no field of education, especially in medicine we find the external courses (External MD) being offered at the cost of regular courses

The government of India have received many complaints about the malfunctioning of CCH and constituted a commission to inquire into the activity of CCH over a period earlier. Irregularities and corruptions done in CCH over a period of time have caught the eye of law makers and the Govt. of India

Read the Central Govt. Order and list Homeopathic Colleges under Scrutiny

Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Opening at Batra's - Young talented homeopaths

Dr. Batras' Positive Health Clinic Private Limited 

Requires Homeopathic Doctors with BHMS or MD

For their new openings at    
Goa, Cochin (Kerala) , Pune, Mysore, Nagpur,Mumbai ( Dadar) , Vijayawada ( A.P.) ,Bangalore, Aurangabad , Patna , Velachary (T.N.) , Delhi-NCR  (North-delhi) , Noida,Gurgaon

For more details : 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 2011 issue Latest Homeopathy News

  • PAC recommended Department of Ayush should be converted into a full-fledged ministry
  • AYUSH to hold nationwide survey on usage of drugs in India
  • Petition for the European Members of Parliament - In re: Directive on Traditional Medicinal Plants
  • Homeopathy is safe and does not lack positive evidence in clinical trials
  • Pay hike expected for 4.5 lakh teachers across India
  • Frequent False Statement about Homoeopathy and the truth 
  • Fulbright –Nehru fellowships for teachers, lecturers announced
  • On World Homeopathy Awareness Week Discount to Complete Dynamics
  • Despite Western attack, homeopathy market grows
  • Homeopathy For Radiation Poisoning
  • Research on Eczema & Homeopathic Medicine
  • Homeopathic Medicines Are As Effective As Antibiotics For Cows Mastitis
  • Delirium After Stroke
  • Hahnemann  MOUSE PAD for you to enjoy.
  • Are Steroids Used in Homeopathic Medicines?
  • New Genetic Risk Factors for Alzheimer's Disease
  • Many Eco-friendly bulbs contain toxic chemicals
  • HST Global Inc. (HSTC) - Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare - Deals and Alliances Profile
  • Colgate accused of stealing, patenting ancient Indian toothpaste formula
  • A pilot study of medical student attitudes to, and use of, commercial movies that address public health issues
  • Bridging the gap between basic science and clinical practice: a role for community clinicians
  • For Young Women, 'Controlling' Partner Often Abusive, Too
  • First homeopathy varsity in India opened
  • AICTE plans to fund PhDs to address faculty shortage
  • Expectation as Etiology in Traumatic Brain Injury
  • North Carolina to turn all homeopaths, naturopaths, midwives into FELONS
  • A new edition of the Homeopathic Informer is now available to read. 
  • Homoeopathic News Paper - “Homoeo Express” from Indore
  • Osteoarthritis of the Hip or Knee Raises Mortality Risk
  • IIT Bombay to work on its PhD ranking
  • Homeopathy offers permanent body pain relief 
  • Romantic Rejection May Hurt Just Like Physical Pain
  • Published review highlights lack of proper GMO safety studies in scientific journals
  • Parkinson's Drugs Linked to Behavior Problems in Study
  • Homeopathy treatment market booming in India
  • Homeopathy Doctor caught conducting sex determination tests
  • Homeopathy works - Exclusive new evidence!
  • Prostate Cancer Screening Doesn't Cut Death Rates: 20 years study
  • Research Warns of Overuse of Powerful Class of Antibiotics
  • Homeopathy can reverse vaccine damage 
  • Synthesis 2011 Released 
  • Launch of CAM-Quest Database
  • Smoking Cessation Before Surgery Doesn't Promote Postoperative Complications
  • A single homeopathic medicine converts a skeptical doctor
  • Doctors don't tell patients the truth about the treatments they'd use themselves
  • Dark Chocolate May Harbor Benefits for the Heart
  • Do vitamins stop cancer, heart attacks? Study: no
  • More than 2,000 vaccinated babies died: The cost of doing business 
  • Heart drug linked to higher breast cancer risk
  • Hemoglobin H Disease in the U.S.
  • Epilepsy, migraine drug linked to 2000 percent increase in birth defects
  • Anti-epilepsy drug topiramate triples the risk of birth defects such as cleft palate, the FDA warns

Dear Readers Please mail news related to Homoeopathy :

Link to this issue  :

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

CCH directs Govt. of Kerala to Equalize External MD with Regular MD

Central Council of Homoeopathy India (CCH) Secretary Dr.Lalit Verma issued a letter to Govt. of Kerala recently (F.No.19-2/2009- CCH 35281 dt 22 Mar 2011) with a  subject line as 'Sanctioning revised AICTE - reg' -  which states that "Postgraduate Degree qualification in Homoeopathy ie. MD(Hom) awarded to the students admitted as regular or external is to be treated equivalent and at par for all the purpose including the service matters and pay scales". Dr.Lalit Verma issued a similiar letter earlier also.

But as per the legal opinion CCH has no power to issue an orderlike this, since course equalisation comes under the perview/power of concerned universities. Universities in Kerala like Mahatma Gandhi, Calicut, Kerala or recently constituted Kerala University of Health Sceinces so far not ready to equalise external MD because of its poor quality.

This excutive order is aginst Honorable Supreme Court judgment on February 25, 2009, (Civil Appeal No. 4173 of 2008, Annamalai University versus Secretary to Govt., Information & Tourism Dept & Others) which observed that a Masters degree awarded to a candidate who has not undergone a degree (Bachelor’s) course cannot be valid.A Bench consisiting of Justices S.B.Sinha and Mukundam Sharma upheld a Madras High Court Judgment invalidating Annamalai University PG degrees conferred on distant education students. The Bench said the provisions of the University Grant Commission Act “ are binding on all universities, whether conventional or open. Its powers are very broad"

"Postgraduate degrees awarded  under the distance education programme to students  who did not have the basic three year  degree could not be treated on a par with PG degrees obtained after regular study  from a recognised University"

More over  Kerala University of Health and allied Sciences (KUHAS) expelled eight homoeopathy external MD teachers from the PG board of studies.

Keral Govt. also issued an order recently. As per the Govt. of Kerala order dated 12.08.2011 "Regular PG and the external PG are different in all respect  including the period of study. The external PG is a Course as distant education and hence it cannot be treated on par with the regular PG.

All Kerala Homoeopathic Postgraduate  teachers association president Dr.Arun Prasad told to media that "Diploma in homeopathy is the only qualification mentioned for admission to this course (CCH Regulations Special provisions for external candidates 5th November 2001). So these courses are meant only for senior most diploma holders of before 1983 and not for Degree holders. So it was illegal to admit BHMS holders to External MD and CCH not equalised these two courses through a gazatte notification". 

He further states "There is a strong attempt at present in certain quarters to equalize regular PG degree and external PG degree in Homoeopathy on the background of pay revision of Homeopathic Medical College Teachers of Kerala. We as teachers fear that this move will result in deterioration of academic standards in the field of Homoeopathic medical education & practice."  

Earlier Govt. of Kerala had appointed a commission chaired by Honorable Pro Vice Chancellor of Kerala University Prof.S.Kevin on the matter of External PG course in homoeopathy. This commission submitted the report in 2003 which clearly stated that External MD cannot be equivalent to Regular MD and it cannot maintain the academic standard expected of a PG degree in medicine

Kerala is the only state in India where external MD is not treated as par with regular MD for appointment, promotion or salary. Kerala Public Service Commission also not considering External MD for appointment.

Read Related interesting articles

CCH direction to Govt. of Kerala to equalise external MD march 2011

Recent Govt. of Kerala order on External MD

Kerala University PVC Commmission report on External MD  

Report by the Controlling Officer of Homoeopathy   on External MD 

Memorandum Submitted by AKHPTA

Continuation of External MD- is it justified ? 

Ridiculous PhD Homeopathy by DKMM Homeopathic College

Everything for a postgraduate student in Homoeopathy

Monday, April 11, 2011

Homeopathy Lecturers & BHMS Admission at NIH Kolkatta

BHMS admission 2011 at National Institute of Homeopathy. India

Seat reservations for Foreign Nationals,Bay of Bengal, Malaysia & Sri Lanka 
Last date : 29th April, 2011.
Seats :  93 (Ninety three) seats  
Mode of  selection : All India Entrance Test at 7 centres

Homeopathy Lecturers wanted at NIH Kolkatta.
Also Physiotherapist, Assistant library information officer, Library information Assistant, Nurse Gr.1 & II, Radiographer, Pharmacist cum dispenser, Laboratory technician, Junior Assistant ,LDC, Staff car driver etc.. 

Last Date : May 20, 2011
Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 + GP 5400 + NPA
Age Limit : Not exceeding 35 years as on prescribed date for receipt of application
Total vacancies : 7
Materia Medica : 2  
Homeopathic Pharmacy : 1 
Organon Medicine : 2  
Case Taking and Repertory : 1  
Forensic Medicine : 1