Saturday, September 18, 2010

235 New Medical/Homeopathic PowerPoint Presentations

Most of you are making lots of good power points as a part of your study /project/teaching/collection. 
Here is a golden opportunity to share that powerpoints with world.
Please mail to   :  

Homeopathic Education
Financial & Medical auditing 
Do's and Don'ts in Examinations - Students' expectations
Doctor patient relationship - Dr.V.P.Paily 
Evidence based medicine and our profession - Prof.Alokendu Chatterjee
Visualisation of data - Dr.Pradeedp Kumar.K

Homeopathic/Medical Research
Interventional clinical research methods - Steven T Dekosky 
Latest research in the field of homeopathy - Dr.M.Nisanth Nambison
An introduction to qualitative research - Anna Voce
Antibacterial activity of homoeopathic drugs in vitro - Dr.K.M.Nisanth Nambison

Practice of Medicine
Acid peptic diseases - Dr.Divya Sambsivan
Water soluble vitamins & their deficiencies - Dr.Afisa
Alzheimer's disease- Unraveling the mystery - Dr.Praveen
Anaemia and its treatment - Dr.Asha V Sashi
Anthrax - Dr.Asha V Sashi
Antibiotic use - What should be the strategy - Dr.Seetha.P.M 
Gastric & peptic ulcer - Dr.Asmabi.K.P
Burns varieties and effects
Cardiac poisons - Dr.Farhan S Nadaf
Clinical examinations of cardiovascular system - Dr.Jayadeep.B.P
Dermatology with homeopathy.Part.II
Emerging and re-emerging diseases - WHO
Gastroesophagal reflux disease & homeopathy - Dr.Praveen
Gullain barre syndrome - Dr.Praveen
Headache and its management - Dr.Venmani
Heart failure - Dr.Venmani
Haemorrhage and types
Hormone replacement therapy - Dr.Thanku Mathew
Hyperlipedemia - Dr.Rajeev.O
Insulin sensitizers - Dr.Sujatha.T.L
Early pregnancy termination - a comparative study - Dr.C.P.Jishabai
Know Your liver
Meningitis - Dr.Nadhiya
Renal calculi - Dr.Anu Joseph
Opthalmology - a brief introduction - Dr.Sujeesh.S.S
Opthalmology .Part.II
Paraplegia - Dr.Divya Sambasivan
Parkinsonism - Dr.Bharat Praveen
Shoulder Dystocia - Dr.sabeena Panicker
Principles of clinical myology
Pyrexia of unknown origin - Dr.Divya Sambasivan
Rabies - the rage road - Dr.Divya sanal
Rheumatoid arthritis - Dr.Divya Sambasivan
Urinary tract infections
Seborrheic dermatitis - Dr.Divya Sambasivan
Cerebrovascular accident & homeopathy - Dr.Divya Sambasivan
Pathological pigmentation - Dr.Sruthy Susan John
Thyroid in medicine
Everything on thyroid
Mangement of congenital cataract - Dr.Sujeesh.S.S 
Urinary tract infections - Dr.Divya sambasivan
Urinary tract infection - Dr.Divya sanal
Valvular heart disease - Dr.Preethi John
Vitamin deficiency disorders

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Antepartum haemorrhage - Dr.Usha Sadashivan
ARDS in obstetrics - Dr.Pramodhyni.D
Avoiding complications at laproscopy - Dr.Ambarisha Bhandiwad
Diseases of the cervix including tumors - Dr.Bettina S Pratap
Caesarian section - merits & demerits - Dr.Elizabeth Iype
Surgery of ovarian cancer - Dr.K.Chitrathara
Mangemnet of breech - Prof.Valsamma Chacko & Dr.Anupama.R
Conduct of labor - Dr.N.Syamala
Management of intrauterine growth retardation - What is new? - Dr.P.Balachandran
Urological injuries in Gynaec practice - Dr.N.P.Sasikumar
Caesarian section - changing trends - Dr.Shyam Desai
Update on medical management of menorrhagia - Dr.K.Latha 
Un explained infertility - Dr.Meera Nair 
Assessment of ovarian reserve - Dr.Santhamma Mathew
Current trends in management of PIH - Dr.P.K.Shyamala Devi
Pre term or premature rupture of the membrane - Dr.V.M.Jayasree Thankachi
Role of ovulogens in PCOs - Dr.Priya.D
Monitoring of labor by partograph & value in dysfunctional labour - Dr.N.Shyamala
Carcinoam Vulva - modification in management - Dr.N.Shyamala
Conservative surgical modalities in the management of menorrhagia - Dr.Ullas Prasannan
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding & homeopathy - Dr.Preethi John 
Adolescent functional uterine bleeding - Principles of management 
Fibroid uterus and homoeopathy - Dr.Resmi.R
Gonadotrophin releasing hormone analogues in PCOs
Twin pregnancies - Dr.Hema.S.Nair
Induction of labor and cervical ripening - Dr.T.L.Sujatha
Infection prevention in every day obstetric practice - Dr.Nirmala.C
Intrauterine growth restriction - Dr.Prasannakumari.B
Intrauterine growth restriction - Dr.Krishnapriya
Early pregnancy termination - a comparative study - Dr.C.P.Jishabai
Kerala federations' role in maternal mortality review - Dr.V.P.Paily
Lunelle - Monthly contraceptive
Management of ectopic gestation - recent trends - Dr.Sheila Balakrishnan 
Misoprostol in first trimester abortion - Dr.Sheela Shenoy
Laproscopic ovarian surgery reviewed in the modern era of PCOs - 
Instrumental delivery - pit falls - Dr.Vasanthakumar.K.P
Polycystic ovarian syndrome - an overview - Prof.Ajitha Kumari
Postpartun haemorrhage - Dr.B.Laila
Gonadotrophin in PCOs - Dr.Lekshmi.R
Preterm labor & PROM - Dr.Sujamol Jacob
Reveiwing maternal death & complications to make pregnancy safer - Dr.V.P.Paily
Eclampasia - an overview
Screening for ovarian cancer - Dr.Sulekhadevi.P.B
Uterine fibroid embolisation - Dr.Radhamony.D
Vaginal birth after caesarean - Dr.Sangeetha Menon

Materia Medica
Agaricus Muscaris - Dr.Sandeep Kuar Ram 
Cruciferae - Dr.Sandhanaraj
Rananculaceae - Dr.Rajeev.O
Natrum Phos - Dr.Sandeep Kumar Ram 

Organon & Philosophy
Nature of chronic diseases - Dr.Ranjith Chandra
Nature of chronic disease - Psora - Dr.Ranjith Chandra 
Role of Susceptibility and Immunity in Progress of disease - Dr.Navin Pawaskar
Nature of chronic diseases - Latent psora - Dr.Ranjith Chandra
Essay on new principle for ascertaining the curative power of drugs
Homeopathy through the eyes of stuart close
Miasm Part.I Psora - Dr.Jenita
Miasm Part.II Psora - Dr.Jenita
Sycosis -Part.I - Dr.Jenita
Sycosis -Part.II - Dr.Jenita
Sycosis.Part.III - Dr.Jenita
Sypillis Part.I - Dr.Jenita
Syphillis Part.II - Dr.Jenita
Syphillis Part.III - Dr.Jenita
Tubercular miasm Part.I - Dr.Jenita
Tubercular miasm Part.II - Dr.Jenita

Akshardam - Laser Show
Cities at night
Excellent paintings
Football game plan 
From parethan 
Funny ads 
Garden City - Bangalore 
Girls & Boys desk 
I am rich 
I can fix 
Incredible imagination
Just think 
Kerala Roads
Kerals' own puttu
Last moments in life 
Mexican drug lord
Ormayundo ithu
Overloading re-defined
Photography - not an easy job
Pookkalam from Kerala
Real woman 
Free food in this restaurant 
Salary day in various places
Tintu strikes
Tintu Strikes again
Women explained by engineers
Banana during recession

HIV - Dr.Farhan S Nadaf

Aircraft careers 
First climb at Burj Khalifa
Friendship is friendship
Historic photographs
Must read
My mother
The song of birds
The thought
The three stories
What we are looking for?
Who is rich & poor?
Water disaster
Smile always - really inspirational 

Alfred Adler's concept regarding personality development - Dr.Smitha.R.Menon
Personality - theories and percepts - Dr.Partha.P.Ray
Psychology basics

Diseases of esophagus - Dr.Athira.A.R
Branches of pathology - Dr.Vipul R Shastri
Neoplasms of lip 
Pathology of neoplasia - Dr.Divya Sambasivan
Bordotella pertusis - Dr.Smitha R Menon
Nephrolithiasis - Munnu Das.D
Shock - Clinical features- Dr.Vasudha.S
Tumors of the floor of the mouth - Dr.Divya Sambasivan

Cell biophysics and biochemistry - Dr.Anuraj
Portal Circulation - Dr.Shalini G Unnithan
Respiratory system - Dr.J.Adline Jerald Paul
Renal function test - Dr.Jayadeep.B.P
TCA Cycle - Dr.Anoop.P.V
The lens - Dr.Sujeesh.S.S
Trigeminal nerve - Dr.Smitha R Menon
Trigeminal nerve - Dr.Joby.J
Vertebral artery - Dr.Smitha R Menon
Vestibulo Cochlear nerve - Dr.Shalini G Unnithan

Homeopathic Therapeutics
Cervical spondylosis and homoeopathy - Dr.Pradeedp Kumar.K 
Asthma our mission is to cure - Dr.Bharat
Homeopathic therapeutics of Urinary tract infection - Dr.Divya Sanal

Homeopathy General
Clemens Maria Franz von Boenninghauen - life & works
Dr.Constantine Hering - father of homoeopathy in America
Life and works of Dr.J.T.Kent - Dr.Joby
Life and works of Kent
Application of miasm in clinical pediatrics - Dr.R.Sarath Chandran
Energies of human and earth - Dr.Rolland R Conte
Saga of legendary Dr.Samuel Hahnemann - Dr.Vinu Krishnan

Cranial nerves - applied anatomy - Dr.Shalini G Unnithan
Cranial nerves v,vi,vii - Dr.Sharika.K.U
Larynx - applied anatomy - Dr.Aruna Parvathy.L
Larynx - clinical anatomy DD of dysphonia stridor with investigation - Dr.Smitha.R Menon
Liver and Liver Function test - Dr.Sharika.K.U
Nose applied anatomy - Dr.Aruna Parvathy
Anterior pituitary

Chronic ottitis media with MCQs - Dr.Jitendra Patel
Ear and its applied anatomy - Dr.Shamna B.N

Microbiology & Parasitology
Dengue Fever and Homoeopathy - Dr.Smitha R Menon
Dengue fever - Management - Dr.Thanooja.S.H
Sterilisations and disinfection - Fathima.N.A
Filariasis and homeopathy - Dr.Rajeev.O
Vibrio Cholera - Dr.Jayadeep B P 

Understanding ultrasound in the background of embryology - Dr.B.Prasannakumari

Book Reviews
Clinical proceedings-Dept. of Medicine, Medical College. Calicut - Sreekala.M
Minton's Uterine therapeutics - Dr.Rajeev.O
Repertory of antipsorics - Dr.Suja Pillai 

Case taking & Repertorisation
Case taking methods by Dr.J.T.Kent - Dr.Resmi.M.R
Case taking methods by EB Nash - Dr.Aisha J Hassan
Rubrics representing mood disorders in Synthesis - Dr.Aisha J Hassan

Pediatric constitution - Dr.Shahadi.E
Some cases from pediatric practice - Dr.D.P.Rastogi
ADHD - Evaluation and treatment - Dr.Edward J Coll

Maniac depressive psychosis

Principles of stress incontinence surgeries - Dr.V.P.Paily 

Case presentations
Magic through homeopathy - Dr.Sayan Dutta Ray

1 comment:

  1. Thank you.Dr.Mansoor you are doing a great job indeed.


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