- AYUSH Research Portal
- AYUSH Scholarship for foreign nationals to study Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani
- The GER needs to be enhanced substantially to be able to catch up with the developed countries - Professor K. Mohandas
- Get ready to Manage Monsoon Diseases with Homeopathy- Dr.Biju S G
- The practice of medicine must be based on competence, character and compassion.
- Hair falling with miasmatic diagnosis & Homeopathy treatment - Dr. Shivaji Gaur
- Where is the Homoeopathic market going to be by year 2050 ? - Rolland Conte
- Homoeopaths - Be aware of doses - Anindita jena
- Law of Similia - A search through literatures - Dr. Partha P Ray
- St. George Cancer Care & Research Center launches Bangalore facility
- Homeopathy in Male Infertility - Dr.Talat Javed
- Constitutions in Homeopathy - a review of various constitutions & temperaments in terms of miasm & remedial analysis - Dr.Rajaneesh Kumar Sharma
- Homoeopathic management in Gynecological disorders - Dr.Tridib Sarkar
- Radiation and Homoeopathy - Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma
- An interview with Dr.Navneet Bidani - Health Today
- Measuring The Cost of health care -Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Willmar Schwabe India Dilution list March 2011
- Willmar Schwabe India Mother Tincture list March 2011
- Search Engine Optimisation Guide - Google
- The secrets of promoting your website online - VodaHost
- Tomato Story
- Voluntary certificate scheme (VCS) for AYUSH products & Accreditation of AYUSH hospitals
- Department of AYUSH - minutes of annual action plan 2011
- Govt. of India proposes action plan to improve quality of Homeopathic Education
- Govt. of India Criticized Central Council of Homoeopathy on Standard of Homoeopathy Colleges
- Karnataka Private Medical Establishment Act & Its implication to homeopaths
- Toll Free Numbers in India
- Bann paracetamol (malayalam) - Dr.C.J.Varghese
- What is homeopathy (malayalam) - Dr.C.J.Varghese
- The Legal Situation with Regard to the Practice of Homeopathy in Europe
- Opinion, Assessment, Evaluation, Outcomes and Conclusions of IIT-B Experiments on Homoeopathy - Dr Sreevals G Menon & K C Chandran Nambiar
- The science behind homeopathy- Unraveling the mystery
- The Research Evidence Base for Homeopathy
- How to write a good scientific paper - Dr. Ayanti Kundu, Dr Kaushik Majumder & Dr. Bhaswat S.Chakraborty
- Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: A nanoparticulate perspective (Original paper Full) - Prashant Satish Chikramane, Akkihebbal K Suresh, Jayesh Ramesh Bellare & Shantaram Govind Kane
- nMaster 2.0 sample size software - CMC Vellore
- The Structure Of Liquid Water; Novel Insights From Materials Research; Potential Relevance To Homeopathy - Rustum Roy, W.A. Tiller, Iris Bell & M. R. Hoover
- Homeopathic pathogenetic trial of Plumbum metallicum: the complete 2000 trial with a synthesis of the original 1828 trial - Journal of high dilution
- Scientific evidence of the homeopathic epistemological model -Journal of high dilution
- An evidence Based Homoeopathic treatment protocol of Hepatitis – B - Dr.S.G.Biju
- The Antimonium crudum Child
- Metals in Homoeopathy - Patrica Le Roux
- Analysis and Evaluation of Symptoms of the case for Repertorization
- Is it the homeopathic case-taking that helps, or the homeopathic medicine?
- Vitellifrom Macular Dystrophy / Best’s Disease - Dr. Avneet Kaur
- Varicose vein and Homoeopathy -Dr. Ambreesh Pandey
- Evolution of Psora
- Homeopathy pharmacy course proposed by Delhi homeopathy board office
Please mail your articles & powerpoints to : similimateam@gmail.com